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Monday, May 16, 2016


It has been a while since I last wrote anything here. I have already turned 37 and am thinking that my life is my life and all I have to show for it is who I am at this point in my life.

I know I wish I have a great story to tell about the big wonderful adventures that I have been on, or the great romances that I have fallen head over heels for... but alas my life is as ordinary as it can get with me being certifiable at intervals in my life.

I know to most my life is inconsequential, but I like the fact that to my family in the grand scheme of thing I am an integral part of our small unit, by which I provide them with sustenance and care. 

A most important purpose for everyone needs to eat and what will they eat if there's no one preparing the meals.

Lol. I feel silly suddenly with my self-importance at the normal day to day task that every mother does for the family. The fact that I'm no one's mother yet doesn't negate the fact that I mother everyone at home. Spoil them rotten with my cooking (which is quite respectable even if I do say so myself).

And all these long drivel is just musings from my need to write something after so long a silence.

So here I am, 3 days into my 37th year and I am still as I have always been. A family girl without her own personal family.

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