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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Hello 2017!

Here is to another year lived in time to see the dawn of another year. I would have liked to say that 2016 was a year marked by remarkable and noteworthy moments, but alas for the most part 2016 had been rather mundane.

Life went by rather monotonously. At least it was for me.

Can't be said the same for my family. Dad Turned 70, Along Turned 40 and Abang turned 21.

Big year for the three of them. And life also had significant moments which left its mark on each one of them, but as for me, 2016 left me unchanged.

I am hoping that the year ahead will have more in store for me than the status quo. But whatever life had been or will be, I am just glad that I am still here to live it be it underwhelming or not.

I am hoping that the new year will bring new cheer to all of you who are reading this and may your life be all the richer for it.

Happy New Year 2017!