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Monday, May 13, 2013

Finally 34

Exactly 34 years ago I arrived on earth after stubbornly staying in my Mom's tummy for almost 11 months. I guess I was so comfortable being nurtured in my Mom's womb.

According to my parents I arrived as round as any baby could possibly be. Everything about me was round. It turns out that is the one essence that I was born with that remained with me until today - I am as round as could be!

Other than that legacy I think I am not the same person with the clean slate that everyone is born with. There had been certain dark marks imprinted in my past, certain mistakes that I wish I could undo, but know that I never will be able to.

Sitting here 12 hours after my official birth time (3am) I find myself contemplating what my life had been and what it will be in the future.

Up until today, I haven't accomplished much that I could shout about. However that does not mean that my life had been meaningless... that would be an insult to all the wonderful memories and amazing people who had colored my existence.

On this day... I have a good feeling that the coming years would bring me more in terms of personal achievements and developments. For starters I am hoping that my writing career will grow wings and take off on a supersonic fly for me to achieve my lifelong dream - becoming a best-selling author. Insyaallah.

On a personal aspect I am not as optimistic as I am of my career development. I just don't feel like i am anywhere near of finding the other half of me. I know he is out there somewhere... the question is if and when I will ever find him... or when and if he will find me!

On loss. Too date, I've lost my Mom close to three years now and just lost my sweet companion just barely 8 days ago.

Still finding it hard to get used to losing Mom. For my thoughts on Mom you can visit my blog and for some of my other exploits there is always

Haha... always and forever promoting my writing. Who knows one day in the future you could say 'I have been reading her stuff ever since when!" Hehehe... I would love if that ever happen. Vain much?

To sum up: my wish for the future, getting established in the publishing world, and finding the one!

Pretty simple wishes huh? Wish me luck with my quest for fulfillment and enjoy your blog-walk!

1 comment:

  1. On this dream, cousin - one simple advice your father gave me - Don't quit!

    Write as much as you can. But don't force it. Be inspired - gravitate towards things that move you. For me it was Frank Herbert - his style of writing moved me to tears. My husband too, was my sure fire muse.

    There could be someone out there for you. Or there could be something. God knows what is best for us. Hone your craft. I joined poetry blogospheres. dVersepoets is one at . So is magpie tales at My writing improved leap and bounds after I tried this out. I developed real friends too. Check them out - there is a lot of positive energy there.
