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Sunday, October 20, 2013

My wedding one day

To my family,

Justin and I are trully happy so we hope you will forgive us for the age difference and for all the stories and lies. I have never really loved Nick Carter or Taj Jackson or Prince Harry or Lee Soo meng... I was just never sure how to tell you that when jutin was 6 and I was 21 we hooked up on the internet.

Justin at that age had the amazingly high IQ of 197. Now... well you don't want to know.

He is amazing with math and other stuff.

I just want you to know that we are rushing this marriage really fast because Justin might not live for very long. He has been suffering AML a very rare type of Leaukima and his prognosis is not good. But Allah willing maybe one day Allah will find a way to make Justin live to see our children should we be lucky enough to have some.

You can email Justin at and he is willing for his very private email to be known to his billlions of fanbase spamming him because he doesn't know how else to prove to you that I am not delusional.

He has pictures of us on the 15-18 august and the night of september 2nd.

He will e-mail you those pictures if you but ask him.

Please Along, just e-mail justin. He have prove of our relationship since I was 21.

Phone conversation (sound cloud file) Skype chats (video) recorder phone call, our duets which we will release if you would only believe in us. The only reason Justin wants to be a singer is to give me hope.

He is actually a neurosurgeon at John Hopkins University Medical Center in New York under the name Lucaas Edwards.

I am not making it up. Ask JB at +JustinBieber or his twitter @justinbieber.

I know no one in this family respect him and think he is a spoiled brat with only pleasure and useless pursuits in mind... but ask any of his beliebers and you'll know they all say that Justin is all HEART.

So, please give us a chance. JB

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