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Monday, April 22, 2013

A Raindrop

She loves it when it rains. It bewilders the mind of those who knew her why she loves the rain so much. It's not the normal enjoyment of a comfortable climate; it goes beyond all normal enjoyment and far exceeds what one would term obsession.

Whenever it is starting to rain, she will be out the door, ready to feel the first few raindrops that fall until it is no longer a gentle splatter but a deluge, and there she would stay all day if the rain did not let.

Many a times she comes down with fever due to her strange need to douse herself under the sky's natural shower. All who were close to her, tried to reason with her. Telling her how dangerous it was for her to subject herself to frequent fever for no good reason other than to enjoy the feel of the rain on her skin.

But she paid them no heed and continued her ritual of standing outside every time it rained and this goes on till the day she was to old and frail to go outside and her time on earth drew to a close.

Such is the nature of things, that a few hours before she passed on it rained as it has never rained before and she whispers to her only daughter who was waiting by her bedside, "Willa, that is your father come to get me now. Every raindrop that has ever fallen on me were the tears of your father crying that we were so soon parted and every time I feel a raindrop on my skin, it reminds me how much I am still loved and now your father is crying heavily with joy that soon we'll be together again."

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