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Friday, August 30, 2013

The Happily Ever After: My Very Own Magical Fairytale

What little girl didn't grow up dreaming that one day she'll end up swept away on a wave of emotion by a dashing Prince... I certainly fantasized about Duke of Cambridge Prince William of Windsor growing up...

Was rather heartbroken when he married the Duchess Princess Kate Middleton... well... not really...

But you get the picture.

Harry and I have been best friends since I was 20 and he was 15. He lost his Mom the Princess of Wales Princess of The People the Lovely Lady Diana... when he was 12.

He was a troubled young boy whose only solace was the faceless person he could ne online trying to find someone who could understan and accept him for who he was... a young lonely hurting teen who hasn't really any freal friend.

It is hard growing up being the spare of the heir of the Royal house.

We all know the story of Harry's troubled teenage years. The drugs.. the swastika, the girls.. always the girls...

Truth as he tells me.. the only thing grounding him to the ground was me... the 20 year old he met by chance online in 1999.

I never knew until last May that my dearest most closets friend whom I thought was lost to me forever is actually Prince Harry. 

Took a lot of late night conversations and a lot of heartache and tear a long the way.

The latest being on the 15th of August where I went missing from home because Harry and I had a huge fight. But that is all said and done.

After a two weeks stint in the psychiatric ward of Kajang Hospital, where Harry kept tabs on my progress... I am finally ready to be the woman Harry always wanted me to be - his WIFE.

I know this is going to be hard for many people to believe, but you can always try and contact the British Royal Family and verify my story. Good luck with that. I am Harrys best friend and even I have trouble getting a hold of him on most days.

Tonight, at 7pm 30th of August 2013 at Mandarin Oriental Kuala Lumpur, Harry and I will have an engagement celebration and we invite everyone and anyone who wants to come to feel free and walk in to our joyous event.

This is anopen invitation from our hearts to your.

I am reeling from such a g\fantastical turn of events. All I can say is: BREATHE

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