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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Feeling Lost

  1. Feeling so down that I can't see where I'm going
  2. Wondering how long this downward spiral is going to last
  3. Waiting for that magic moment when the depression dis-spells itself
  4. Reaching out to those who knows I need them
  5. Wondering why it seems everyone is out of reach and unresponsive to my call for help; is it that they don't care or they ran out of time?
  6. Hard to be positive when your entire world is DARK.
  7. You know logically that thing cannot continue to be horrible forever and that one fine day the pain will go away and hurt will instead be replaced by happiness; yet right now you don't care what your mind is trying to say... you are to centered on your shattered heart to pay much attention to your mind.

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